We’d reiterate here that developing a responsive site is a given these days, but what fun would that be. We’ve been doing responsive since before Ethan Marcotte coined the term.
We love integrating the latest and greatest tools into our workflow. Gulp, Sass, Git – these tools help us to stay efficient and allow for work to be shared easily and efficiently collaborated.
We normally work with WordPress and can easily integrate your design into a custom WP template. It’s what we do best. If you’re using another standard CMS or a custom application.
While we do provide front-end integration to other CMS’s, WordPress is what we know and love. There are a lot of WordPress haters out there, and to all of them we say: Send your WordPress clients to us, we love WordPress! Love it!
Managed IT Services for Professional Services IT Professional Services can help you with IT architecture and technology design services to accelerate your business.
While the HTML,HTML5,CSS,CSS3,JAVASCRIPT spec has been out and in production for some time now, understanding progressive enhancement is still a pressing need for many projects.